The Exciting World of 3D Environment & Lighting!
Stealth Game & Cinematography
In the past articles, we went through various challenges to create a successful 2D Space Shooter game and from now on, we will be going through scene design tools, animation, cinematography, nav meshes and AI. You can also follow along using Free asset in unity asset store.
First lets talk about materials. In 3D game, we can define how the objects look by adding Materials and we can design our materials using different properties in shader.
Inside the gameobject, we add our material to the materials inside Mesh Renderer.
And then there are light probes which will make the scene much more realistic. With the network of light probes in the scene, unity can show the real power of lighting.
This is just a brief overview of what we will be going through during the development of our game ‘The Great Fleece’