Bring your game to AAA status through Post Processing!
Day 28- Making 2D Space Shooter Game
Objective: Use Post processing to create a awesome game looks.
There is a lot you can do with post processing to make your game look great and here we will be taking a look at two of the awesome ones. To start create an empty gameobject in the hierarchy and inside it, you will be adding all of the post processing effects.
Bloom allows you to increase the intensity of your game view so increase the intensity in your game and see the changes it made in your game and all of the game effects.
Color Grading:
Another interesting post processing effect is color grading where you do a lot of things and one that I am going to use is the temperature which will change the game tone to cold if the temperature is lowered and hot if increased.
As you can see a simple temperature setting change has changed the game tone to cold and looks much more refined, high graphics and interesting.